Loading required package: NLP
Attaching package: 'NLP'
The following objects are masked from 'package:quanteda':
meta, meta<-
The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2':
Attaching package: 'tm'
The following object is masked from 'package:quanteda':
# I am seeking some guidance regarding my character vectors, but in the interim, I will do some pre-processing, generate co-occurence matrices, and try some data visualization. First, I will work on transforming all letters to lowercase, removing punctuation, and removing stop words. I do not want to remove numbers, because I anticipate years being an important component of this text.
Error in tokens_select(Dobbs_token, pattern = stopwords("en"), selection = "remove"): object 'Dobbs_token' not found
# I am not yet convinced that I will need to do any stemming or lemmatization, as I will be focusing primarily on nouns, but I will reconsider this as I move forward. I will next try some data visualization:
Error in wordcloud(Dodds, min_count = 5, max_words = 50, random_order = FALSE): object 'Dodds' not found
# I keep receiving the following errors: ‘loading required package: RColorBrewer’ and ‘loading required namespace: tm’. It is my understanding that textplot_wordcloud only works on dfm. So, I will need to conduct some additional research on forms of data visualization for text files if ‘wordcloud’ continues to not work.